What are you reading that Maximizes Success with your Volunteers?

Evidence-based leadership is best defined as explicitly making decisions based on the current, best evidence in management and decision-making. In essence, instead of doing things because “that is how I always did it”, or “because it worked last time” and even “that’s how XXX did it”. Making decisions based on proof of performance and having a highly informed position gives you such a better opportunity to have maximum success. Periodically I love to send you guys what I am reading to keep myself informed of the latest thoughts on various topics. If you work with volunteers here are a few great books that can help you maximize your success!

 365 Ideas for Recruiting, Retaining, Motivating and Rewarding Your Volunteers: A Complete Guide for Non-Profit Organizations by Sunny Fader
This new book is packed with hundreds of simple and inexpensive ways to motivate, challenge, and reward your volunteers. Volunteers today need constant reinforcement and recognition, and here is how to do it. With real life, proven examples and case studies from actual nonprofit organizations, you can use this book daily to boost morale and productivity and find fundraising activities.


 The Volunteer Recruitment (and Membership Development) Book 3rd Edition by Susan J. Ellis 

Crammed with innumerable recruitment ideas and recommendations! Starts with designing assignments attractive to new volunteers and continues by addressing organizational image, where to look for volunteers, why people volunteer or do not, how to select the right recruitment technique, what “diversity” means to an organization, and the impact of trends in volunteering today. Includes a full chapter on membership development for all-volunteer organizations and an appendix on how to use the Internet for volunteer recruitment.


This book is perfect for anyone who manages volunteers. With easy to understand examples, this book provides a simplistic approach to managing volunteers and running the day-to-day operation of a volunteer program. Whether it is providing a structured application process, training, motivating or developing volunteers, this book offers practical application, tips, tools with real life examples and much more!


Want everything rolled into one?  Meeting management tools, volunteer recruitment plans, great letters to effectively communicate and recruit volunteers and more?  Get it all in the VOLUNTEER TOOLKIT!


If your organization needs more focused attention, we can design a support plan that will help.

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Contact us today to schedule a discovery session.

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